The Battle for Fort McHenry is the basis for the "Star Spangled Banner," the national anthem of the United States. Use the links to answer these questions:
1. Baltimore was an important site for shipping. Look at the map and give at least two reasons why Baltimore was a good location for merchants and shipping.
2. Why do you think Fort McHenry was located where it was?
3. Find "Lazaretto Battery." A battery is a term used for a group of big, long range cannons. Why do you think Lazaretto Battery was located where it was?
4. Fort McHenry was known as a "star fort." Closely look at the diagram of the fort. What advantages would a fort shaped like Fort McHenry have?
(Lesson adapted from the Teaching with Historic Places Website)
Juan C. Bryan S. per2
1. one reason is because it was near the ocean, and also because the cannos were pointed to the ocean incase of an attack.
2.beacause the british had many ships and the united states didnt have a good navy.
3.beacuse they know the british will attack on water.
4.it had many layers before it could reach the rea thing and it was pointed at all directions
P2 Adan M Adrian DLT
1. It was a good location because it is surrounded by mountains and Fort Mchenry protects Baltimore.
2. It was built there because there is no other city close to it and Fort Mchenry protects it.
3. The Lazaretto Battery were left there so the cannons can shoot at the enemy ships.
4. They would have more room and they would have more protection.
Ana R and Antonio S Period-2
1. The first reason is that it protected.Second reason is that there is no for McHenry protects Baltimore
2.It was built there because was no other city close to it.
3. The Lazretto battery were left there so the canyons cans shoot at the enemy ships
4.They will have more room and more prtection.
Jackie M. and Stephanie S.
1.)Baltimore is a good location for merchants because its close to the sea and it has a lot of roots of roads.
2.) I think Fort McHenry was built there because the ships are more protected there from storm.
3.)I think Lazaretto Battery was located where it is because the mountains keep the storms from destroying the boats.
4.)It wouldnt be easy attacked
Christian P. and Ricardo T.
1.Because when there is a storm it wont be so tough for the merchants because there will be less rain and water from where it is located.
2.It was put there so it can prevent the ships from getting to Baltimore.
3.The battery was put there it can shoot the ships that were comming from that direction and so it can prevent the ships from getting to the fort.
4.The fort had alot of layers to get through it and it had many sides to hold cannons from differnt areas faceing the sea to shoot the ships comming from it.
P2 Pablo n. & Martin Z.
1. I think it was because if the british try to attack on their boats the u.s can sink the british boats an the british cam only destroy the building
2. it was located their because any ship that tries to attack baltimore fort Mc Henry can stop them it has a fort to protect them an if theirs a storm it would protect them to.
3. it was located their because any ship will get sinked by the cannons
4. they had good advantages because no one can get them from the back or the front an it has cannons around it
P:2 Gema O. and Gabriel V.
1.) Because most of the roads were conected to Baltimore and because it's also conected to the North west Branch.
2.) To protect Baltimore from British ships.
3.) So it can defend Fort McHenry from being attacked by the british.
4.) Because of the shape of Fort McHenry they build holes around it to make the mud walls which made attacking forces to slow down.
Daniela O. & David S P2
1. It was close to the water.It is protected if there is a storm.
2.I think fort mchenry is there because it will not attacked easy.
3.I think they are there because if people try to attack
it will shoot.
P.2 L.N
1)I think it was because the british won't be able to attack and waves won't cave in the ships and sink it.
2)So they can be safe.
3)So they can also be protected.
4)To be safe because of the walls it was made of mud and it's hard for it to go down.
Diana R./Deana D./Period.2
1) It was close to Fort McHenry.And also because it was more protected by any natural disater that could happen.
2)It was close to BALTIMORE and they would have protection.
3)So that it can protect Fort McHenry.
4)It was like a border so it will be protected by invaders and ships.
p.2 Emily Orellana & Ernesto Cruz
1.It was a good place for location for merchants and shipping because boats could ship goods and merchandise and the ships will be protected and less rain.
2.It was located where it was because it was harder for rain to attack and england to attack because they are in sea and the u.s have cannons and protection.
3.I think that because so they can protect it by other ships.
4.Some advantages are that there is some high land snd that and that it can deffend themselves.
Juan Mujica&Veroncia Reyes Period 2
1. so if it rains it wont flood, and so if there atacked they could defend 2.it was located there so they wont get attacked through sea and they also dug ditches so horse and soldiers couldnt go to the fort easily 3. i think it was located there to atack british ships if attacked 4 so they wont find a weak spot
Ashley V. & Bellana O. (Per. 2]
1. That Baltimore Is The Last Place The Waves Will Hit.
2. Because Enimies will Attack From One Side And NOT Both.
carlos machuca
1.Baltimore was a good location for merchants and shipping because the waves will not destroy your ships.Also because they wont destroy shipping from 1 side.
2.Because enemys will attack from one side and not two.
3.to attack.
P.2 Stacey Morales & Ashley Kim
1. First reason is that it was safer and the second reason is that the ship`s will be protected by storms.
2.Because it was easier to attack there enemies that are coming at them.
3.The reason is that the lazaetto battery is put in that location was that when other ships are comining towards them the battery will be the first to attack the other ships.
Period2 Annabel G. Angel s.
#1- Baltamore is the last place where the waves will hits, and the oceans are close for the boats to go through
#2- so the waves cant hit it
Sergio O. && Stephanie D.
1. One reason was because there was a bay that went straight to the city
Another reason is because the land around the ships can protect them from hurricanes
2. It was located there because it was easy to ship things and it protects their ships.
3. Because they can trade easier.
4. Because it was harder for enemies to attack them and everything would be absorbed.
Valeria Bazan & Steven Luis Per.3
1. It was safer and it was more protective from natural disasters like hurricanes.
2. It was located there because it was easier to ship things and it was near people so they can trade.
3. It was located there because they can trade easier.
4. It was harder to attack, it was safer, and it was safe from natural disasters.
period3 elizabeth cano Hector Flores
1. Baltimore is good location because if a storm hits the bay the storm will hit the mountains first.Baltimore is safe because of the mountains around it.
2 it is located there because one for safety and because of the hurriceins they can be safer there
3. because if they have bigger cannons they can see the invaders and shoot them from there
4.it will be harder to take down or climb because of the shape. the walls are filled with dart so that when canon ball hits the wall will be still standing.
P3 Anaid R Anais O
1. It is surrounded by a river and a bay so ships can sail in and out, ans so merchants can sell things.
2. To protect itself from hurricanes and people who are attacking.
3. So they can attack the others who are coming in from the river from ships.
4. Instead of it being a basic shape such as a rectangle, when others attack, they'll find it harder, since Fort McHenry has 5 different sides. That makes it harder to attack. You can also see the attackers. If it were round then someone could hide.
hugo s. eric p. p.3
it was better because if there was a storm the land in front of baltimore would slow it down and it was harder for enemies to get through.
it could attack any enemy ships heading toward baltimore it was a good trap.
so that if any ships try to go to baltimore fort mc henry and lazaretto battery can attack from both sides.
they made big thick dirt walls walls so that when they would throw it would just observe it and there were not any ways for people get sneak in
darlene Visoso carlos mendez
Period 3
1. it was a good place for shipping because it was easy to stop by and pick up/ leave whatever was they were shipping and also because its sourrounded by much land that it makes it a good place to sell
2. the ships can just come in threw the rive . Also the weather can't damage the ships .
3. maybe because the ships come form the sea they can attack the ships from land and get a better shot .
4. If the soldiers attack the one of sides the men inside could shoot them from the others sides side .
Ivan. g & Javier C
p. 3
1. The ships would be protected against enemy attack and they would be safe from bad weather.
2.They could attack ships that are about to attack balimore.
3.They could attack form both sides to defeat enemy ships.
4.That shape allows you to see enemies trying to sneakin.
P.3 Vanesa E. & Staphanie O.
1.Because it was harder for Pirates to steal their ships and the land that surrounded Baltimore protected the ships from hurricanes and harsgh rain.
2.Because it was close to Baltimore.
3.Because it was close to a very busy city and that was good for Lazaretto Battery.
4.It was harder for soldiers to attackt the house for the reason that it ws constructed with only on entrance
Ofelia R. and Perla M. Period 3.
1:One because the ships would be stolen if they leave then near the water.Two because it maybe represented something.
2:That the continents move during the years.
3:Maybe because they were expensive to get.
P-3-Carlos H. Anthony g.
!. Because It will protect them from the hard storms and for safety.
2. To protect the city and boats of Baltimore.
3. To shoot british from behind when they attack Fort McHenry.
P3 Alan P and Alisson D
1.Baltimore was protected from the weather.
when the peolpe go shipping the weather would not destroy the ships.
2.I think it was located there so when the british attack fort Mchenry the british will get shot out of no- where and when the british shoot cannons the wall will observe the cannons.
3.So when the british ships come the Lazaretto cannans will shoot the ships.
4.Fort mchenry looks like a star
Per:3 Ramiro B. & Sandra C.
1) Baltimore was an important site for shipping because people from around the world trade their.
The ships wouldn't get damaged by storms!
2) Well according to research continents move throughout the years.
3) It was located because of the people traded with other people.
4) That they explore new things.
Kimberly Alcantar & Joshua Finnell Per.3
1) there are alot if roads and rivers .
2) For It Could Be Easier To Travel
3) So if The Enemy Ships Came Close to there territory they could shoot because there cannons are pointed to the river.
p.3 Jorge C. & Joselyn C.
1. it was a good place for merchants because they have more stuff to sell and people need them to use. Also shipping is a good place because the have more space to move the boat.
2.Maybe it was a more safer place to have and it was easier to go to
3.so if anyone come in they will shoot them because here anyone will be in front of them.
per.3 Eric Lucero
1.that location healpd against storms and other beter weather problems.1.i also heped with a good flaning pasitionaginst the enemy.
2.Again a good flanking pasition and it had all the stuf u need to fight an a war like pertective walls, moats, andtunnels and weapons.
3. lazaretto battery a long range canon used to shoot from a far distance so when they see the enemy ships turn the corner they would shoot at them with there lazaretto battery canons.
4. he would have all direction advantages cuase the star fort ai pointing at all directions it mite come try have mots, mud walls, amunition, tunnels theres know way anybody will deafeat them.
Veronica L & Vanessa B Per 3
1. That was a good location because of their safety and because the weather wasn't that dangerous.
Juan G. Period 4
1. The land would protect the ships from getting hit by big wave sthat would distroy your ships.
2. Fort McHenry was located where its is now so when they try to attack Baltimore they would have to go threw the fort first to gett to the city.
3. They had Lazaretto Battery located where it is now to attack the enbimies before they got to the land.
4. The fort has an advantage forming in that position because every side of the fort could be covered and it would be harder to try to attack them from the back.
Julian Romero 1.there would be waves hitting the town and boats. the waves will distory there boats. 2.they would snek attack on them becouse there was little rivers leading to a dead end.
Stephen Calderon & Adam Torres. P.4
1. It had a harbor to protect ships and from the French. It Also protected it from waves and pirates.
2. To make shure the enemy ships don't enter the city.
3 . It was located where it was because it was helpful to shoot down the pirates ships...
4. To protect himself from guns shooting at him or a type of cannon shot at him. Forts protect him. The cannon will shoot at the fort but won't go through..
(diana rojas) per.4
1,baltimore was a good location for merchants and
shipping because it was clouse to the shoure
and ships can stop by :)
2,because it helpt cships with merchendise
3,yes couse they might of left stuff behind
2.there was less stronger waves than the other place. julian romero
Diana Ramos,Jairo Martinez
Period 4
Question 1:It was a good place for merchants & shipping because the ocean was right next to it,also because they could of got to their desenation easyer.
Question 2:it was a good location because everytime there would be a storm the land would protect the ships from getting damaged.
Question 3:It was located there because it was easy for the a long range of cannons to be there.
Alexandra Descalzi & Rudy Trejo pr.4
Baltimore was a good site for shipping,because it had a harbor to protect the ships from the tidal waves that come in and pirates that like to steel ships.Also a great place to put the city.It had a river near by so ships could travel goods from place to place and also to make sure no enemys go into the city.
It was located where it was because it was very helpful on fighting away pirates.The fort was shaped like it was so they can defend from two sides.
per.4 alejandra raygoza
1. Well one reason why it was a good location was becase the waves were'nt that strong so it woldnt hit the boat and the second reason was because the wind wasent that rough so it wouldnt push them to the rong direction.
2.It was located there because it was a good location to ship out stuff or to ship in stuff.
3.It was located there for protecton.
4.protection all around
Destiny Murillo & Selena Lopez Period:4 Dec.9.09
1. It was a bad location because the waves would push them away and ruin their merchandise and it was easy to ship goods because of the river.
2. Because if they were attacked, the enemies had a less chance of hitting them with cannons because of the ditch that they dug around their fort.
3. Because cannons shot far and it was a good place to shoot from because they had a good chanc of not missing.
4. Blocking cannons because it was made out of mudd.
1. its a good place to have a city and boats because it protected them from the storms.And both wont be pushed away.
2. so they could shoot at the ships.
Melissa aguilar & David verdugo
1. because of many floods from the montanins and to have ships sail right to the city
2.for many protections against intruders
Stephanny.S and Michael N. per.5
1.It was located near sea and was well hidden. Also it had a lot of roads to go trade somewhere else and communications.
2. I think Fort Henry was located where it is to block ships from entering or going any further to Baltimore.
3. I think Lazaretto Battery is placed where it is to make attacks against intruders.
4. Some advantages that fort henry has is that there is actually no place to hide when you are attacking.
a Z. & Christian C. P: 6
1. Because it is near the ocean and near Fort McHenry.
2.So it can protect Baltimore.
3.Because they would use batteries there and you need water for a battery.
4.People woulnt be able to sneak up on them and let them see more things
Michael B. & Stephanie C. P.6
1. Baltimore was located of the Atlantic Ocean which is a prime trading area from Europe, and there were many roads which made it easy to get to.
2. It was located right before the waterway entrance to Baltimore and could defend the city from intruders traveling by boat.
3. It could destroy invading ships coming in the ocean route.
4. The advantages of having a star formation was that weapons were not restricted with there range of attack.
Patricia A. Juan B.
1. Baltimore was a good location for merchants and shipping because a lot of roads lead to baltimore.
2. Fort Mchenry was there to protect Baltimore.
3.Lazaretto Battery was located where it was because it was the first hit, that's the first place where warriors had to pass to get to fort Mchenry and then to Baltimore.So they first faced Lazzareto Battery.
4.Fort Mchenry has advantages because it is shaped like a star for better views and no blind spots.So they can shoot from anywhere and no one can really hide.
Marina P. & Maggie M. Period 6
1.One reason why Baltimore was a good location for merchants and shipping was because its right off the ocean and because there were a lot of roads connected to other cities.
2. Fort McHenry was located where it was because it was on the peninsula to prtect the city from attackers.
3. Lazaretto Battery was located where it was because the attackers would most likely attack from the ocean and the range of cannons were facing the ocean.
4. The advantages the shape of this fort is that there is blind spots where the attackers can't see and they could attack the attackers.
P6 - Alexander M. & Alexandra G.
1. Baltimore was such a good site to ship because if you go straight east then Europe is right there, Another reason is because its right next to a coast.
2. I think its located there to protect because you have to get through Fort McHenry before you can get to Baltimore.
3. I think they were located there because thats the best way to protect.
4. Advantages for having a star fort is that once inside you can see every angle of the fort with no blind spots.
Per. 6 Nancy C. & Nathalie G.
1. Baltimore is by the sea, giving great shipping. Baltimore had many people and many big wallets so the merchants were able to sell their items.
2. I think that Fort McHenry was located where it was because they will know whenever a enemy ship would come, to attack.
3.The "Lazretto Battery" was located where it was because it's closer to the sea, for when they have to attacked there cannons will be closer to the ships.
4. If the enemies shot cannons at the walls of the star fort the cannon will repel because the wall isn't a flat surface. The wall are made of dirt so the cannons will just get stuck between them.
Per.6.Esmeralda.V. Hugo.T.
(1)It was a good location because boats can ship products easily because it was close to the river also because you can find a-lot of fish in the river.
(2)To protect the ships from the British that steal ships. Also to make attack to intruders.
(3)We think that it is located where it is at because it is probably used to attack the British that were attacking Fort McHenry.
(4)They would be able to see everyone and everything that surrounded them. There wouldn't be any places that the enemy couldn't hide.
Leslie.B Luisa.G
-It was a good location because it had flat grounds.
-Another reason was because there was water for the ships.
2.I think it was located there because they had space and it was a good area for merchants and shipping.
3.The Lazortte battery was their because it was in a peninsula.
Per.6 Joob and Jasmin
1. People thoght that Fort McHenry was a good location for merchants & shipping because it was easy to go into Fort McHenry and easy to go out of Fort McHenry and because it was proected by an army.
2. So invading countries can only come through the ocean and they can be ready to attack them before they get near the shore.
3. I think that Lazaretto Battery was placed at the other side of Fort McHenry to protect it.
Period6 Cynthia G. Isaac J.
1). Baltimore was a site in which led to many roads. It was easy to drop off shippings and merchants there and then take on another road. The rest of what was surroundng Baltimore was mostly the Patapsco river.
2). It was located there because the location had walls and was in a certain shape to give protection.
3). It was right across from Fort McHenry.
4). The shape has certain places where if you were to shoot from the outside, it would be harder to hit your target. But if you were to shoot from the inside, you would be able to shoot to any place outside. It also has a ditch so if someone runs and falls inside it, it would be harder for them to climb back out.
p.6 Abraham L. Alan R.
1. You can travel through the Patapsco River which was faster the traveling by road.Also because all the roads meet at Baltimore.
2. It was located their because their was only one way to get their and that was through the Chesapeake Bay.
3.To attack the British while they were attacking the fort
4. The advantages of star shaped fort is that you can see every angle and they be are no blind spots
Brandon O. & Brenda F.
per. 6
1) Balitmore was a good location for merchants & shipping because there was alot of water & more than one route for other people to reach it & so they can reach other places for Baltimore.
2) I think Fort McHenry was located where it was so that the British or any other countries would spot them & they would be able to defend America
3) Lazaretto Battery was located where it was so that they can shoot the British when they go through the Patapsco River.
Misael G. Muriel P. p.6
1.one good reason that it was good location for shipping is because it was close to rivers.Another good reason that it was a good location for merchant is because there is lots of roads.
2.To send the navy out and to attack on land and and by ocean.
3. Help the fort and attack ships.
4. There is no place for people to hide around the fort.
Andrea.O & Arturo.V
1. It was a pennisula, its surounded by water,its so easy to ship things to and from Fort McHenry.
2. I think it was there becuase it will be a great place to
3. it was located where it was because the needed to shoot boats
Jasmin R.& JC B.
1.The two reasons why Baltimore was a good location was because it was next to the ocean and was easier for traveling the other reason was there were man ports.
2.Because it is in the middle of the river and if invaders and they want to invade land they must go through the fort.
3.Because if people want to distroy the fort the canon will take down the ship.
4.Because the sides can shoot anywheare and it is harder to penitrate
Pedro C. period 6
1. It was located there because it was used to fend off British ships.
2. It is South-East of Fort McHenry.
3. It is South-East of Fort McHenry. It was located there to defend Fort McHenry.
4. The advantages were that no one could hide behind the walls of the fort.
P.6-Nemesis D.& Stephaine O.
1.) Baltimore was a good location for shipping because it was located near the ocean. It was also a good location because it was easier to transport goods.
2.) Fort McHenry was probably located where it was for to be able to defend themselves from the enemies.
3.)It must've been located there to be able to shoot and defend from the enemies coming from the river.
4.)It would have the advantage of being able to attack from any direction, and also giving them more sight.
1. Geography plays such an important part of history. Shippers and traders could easily reach Baltimore from the Atlantic Ocean, via Chesapeake Bay and the Patapsco River. Once there, ships had protection against storms in Baltimore's excellent harbor.
2. Fort McHenry was placed at the peninsula east of Baltimore to offer protection from any attacks from the sea.
3. One of the strategies used was to have many different obstacles for an enemy to have to overcome to reach the city. Any approaching ships would encounter the long guns of the Lazaretto Battery miles before they even where within range of Fort McHenry. Guns based on land could generally shoot longer distances compared to guns on a ship.
4. "Star Forts" were another advantage to the defenders, since there were no "dead zones" where an attacker could approach without receiving fire from many angles.
It is interesting to think of what defenses were made for Los Angeles. Did you know that there is a "Fort McArthur" in the harbor area of Los Angeles, and you can still visit it?
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