Sunday, November 29, 2009

Barbary Pirates

As you have learned, one of the most important issues facing President Jefferson was how to handle the issue of the Barbary pirates. To help you see one of the U.S. government's responses, let's examine a primary source document. You'll need to click on page 1 and page 2 of the document, and work with your partner to complete the "Written Document Analysis Worksheet." 

For extra credit, click on the "comment" link and explain how the issue that President Jefferson faced with the Barbary pirates in the early 19th century is still a current issue in 2009. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carlos Machuca, Christian Perea

1.Because he doubled the money in massechusets spent on schools organized the first teacher training, double teacher salaries.He also made sure that every boy and girl went to school for at least 6 months.And thats why they called him the father of american eduaction.

2.He would make alot improvments with the board of eduacation by making schools a safer place by makeing it a better school.