Monday, January 25, 2010

Slavery in America

Click on the link to see four readings on slavery in the United States. Work with your partners to answer the following questions:

1. For the first reading, paraphrase Thomas Jefferson's comments about slavery.
2. Read the second and third readings. Which do you think is a more accurate description of slave life? Explain your answer with specific examples from the texts.
3. In the forth reading, the author says slavery is actually good for the slave. What are two reasons the author gives?

Extra Credit: In the forth reading, the author says that slaves are better off than people working for wages. In your own words, what are the author's reasons?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Trail of Tears

Read the account of the Trail of Tears from the National Park Service website. Answer these questions:
1. What happened to the Cherokees in the period of May to October 1838? What was life like for the Cherokees during that time?
2. What do you think was the worst part of the relocation? Why?
3. Andrew Jackson believed that "the majority rules." It is true that Indian removal was a very popular policy with voters over many years in the 1830s. Should the majority of voters be able to do anything they want? Why or why not? Should a minority of voters be able to stop the will of the majority? Why or why not?
4. Reread Professor Thomas' story? Do you think it is really happened that way?  Was the woman really Professor Thomas' grandmother? Is it important if she is not really his grandmother? Do you think the story was intended as factual history, or had another purpose? Explain (tell why or why not) your answers.