John Ross (pictured to the right) and Major Ridge were Cherokee leaders who felt that the best way for the Cherokee nation to remain independent and strong was to adopt parts of white culture. Click on the link to find out more about these leaders, and respond to the following two prompts:
1. Why do you think that many of the Cherokee opposed the ideas of Ross and Ridge. If you had been a Cherokee in the 1820s, which side would you have been on, and why?
2. Why do you think John Ross, who was only one-eighth Cherokee and raised and educated in the white community, might have felt so strongly about his Indian heritage?
p2 vanessa v. kevin s.
1.They might of thought he might of double crossed them.
2.Because he might of wanted there and.
p2 Orlando G. & Gonzalo I.
1)The Cherokee weren't use to living like the white men.We would have been on the Ross and Ridge side because they were trying to make the Cherokee tribe a strong nation.
2)He knew that his ancestors were from the Cherokee tribe,and wanted the tribe to be a stronger nation.
p2 NormaS.
1.they might of thought that he might of double crossed them.
2. because he might of wanted there land.
p2 Valeria C and Carlos C
1. They believed that these accommoclations to white culture would weaken the tribes hold on the land.
2. Were planning for the future of New Echota and an educated, well-governed tribe, the state of Georgia increased it's pressure on the federal government to release Cherokee lands for white settlement. They started to claim territory from them selfs.
1.The Chorokee Did not wot to move beacuse they loved there land.If I had to chooes I would chooes the president beacuse i rather safe then live on the middle of the war.
2.I think he felt very strong because he felt that the native americans were very strong people.
lorena g
1)they might of thought he might of double crossed them he was not fully cherokee.I would have been on the cherokee side.
2he might of wanted to gain privlage
of the land.
P.2 Guadalupe M. & Karla P.
1. They might of thought he might of double crossed them because hes not full cherokee.
2.He wanted part of the indian land.
P2 Adrian R Juan L.
1) We will choose the Indians,because there more with nature.They learn more hunting and they learn more about the wilderness and there environment.
P2 Mayra A. & Beatriz A.
1.I think that because they believed that these accommodations to white culture would weaken the tribes hold on the land.
2. I think that because he was planning for the future of New Echota and an educated, well-governed tribe, the state of Georgia increased its pressure on the fedrak government to release Cherokee lands for white settlement they started to claim territory from themselves.
P2 Areli L. && Giselle L.
1.)We think that they were against the Ross & Ridge idea because Ridge wanted to remove the constituion which was adopted by the Cherokee Ntional Council. If we had to choose a side it would be Ross's because he said "that all men are created equal".
P2 Mayra A. & Beatriz A.
1.I think that because they believed that these accommodations to white culture would weaken the tribes hold on the land.
2. I think that because he was planning for the future of New Echota and an educated, well-governed tribe, the state of Georgia increased its pressure on the fedrak government to release Cherokee lands for white settlement they started to claim territory from themselves.
P2 Estrella M.
1. I think that the cherokees wanted to have their own land but Ross&Ridge made laws that they cant so the cherokees didnt think it was right.Ive wouldve been in the cherokees side because its not fair for people to tell us what to do.
2.I think John Ross felt strong about his Indian heritage because it was a great culture.
p2.Madeline C. Michael E.
-We think that the Cherokee did not agree with Ross & Ridge because they wanted to have their own culture and not the white peoples culture and we agree that the Cherokees were right to not want to have the white peoples culture
-because he was only 1/8 Cherokee he probably felt he had to be more Cherokee than anyone else was more cherokee than him.
P2. Diana Rodas
Marissa Rodrigez
1. I think that the Indians were mistreated when the white decided to kick then out the land they developed with so much effort.
2. I think he might of still had the Indian spirit inside of him and he might of also felt that he needed to follow his original customs even though he was living the life of a white.
P2. Diana Rodas
Marissa Rodrigez
1. I think that the Indians were mistreated when the white decided to kick then out the land they developed with so much effort.
2. I think he might of still had the Indian spirit inside of him and he might of also felt that he needed to follow his original customs even though he was living the life of a white.
p2 Andrew G. and Javier G
1)major ridge and john ross shared a vision of a strong cherokee nation that could maintain its separate culture and still coexist with its white neighbors.
p3 Abigail F., Jackie T
1.many cherokee had adopted some of the culturla patterns of the white settlers as well.
2john were planning for the future of new echota and the an educated well governed tride tride.
alejandro a eduardo g
1.I would have been in the cherokee side because the were better and stronger.
2. because he thought that he was a real cherokee thought well about him self
P3 Sara R. Juan G.
1.I would have been on the ridge side.
2.I think that because he probably grew up with the whites but he stil missed his people.
per.3 1/29/09
selena gonzalez,lizette gonzalez
1. i think that,it was a very good idea for the people. thats what i think!
2.i dont know but it sounds like a good idea 2 do so yea!!
in think that thier heritage was very familiar 2 the indian tribes. xD
Salvador O.&Marcos G. per3
cherokke culture thrived for thousands of year in the southern eatern united states before eurappean contact.
by 1820,many herokees had aoptedsome of the culturalpatterns of the setlers as well.
Vanessa F.
1.) i would be in ross's side because he was right and he had proof.
2.)Because he was indian.
P3. Veronica D. & Diego G.
1. Why do you think that many of the Cherokee opposed the ideas of Ross and Ridge. If you had been a Cherokee in the 1820s, which side would you have been on, and why?
I would be on Ross side because he was right and he had proof.
2. Why do you think John Ross, who was only one-eighth Cherokee and raised and educated in the white community, might have felt so strongly about his Indian heritage?
Because he had Indian blood and thats why he did and he wanted to help the Indian tribes.
michael.d noe.m pre.3
1. why i think why the cherokee had so many ideas becurse they wanted something for the cherokee people to be happy
per.3 kevin G . an Tanya G.
Ashly B Damian G p.3
1 if i was a cherokee in 1820 i wold take the side of the ones who are for this cuz the idea of the ross and ridge was a good idea
2 he raise it because he didnt like whites and didnt want kids to be in poor education.
1. I would have been on the Cherokee's side because they have more ideas.
2. Because he was a strong Cherokee and felt the best way for the nation.
p3 laura torres toledo
why do you think that manny cherokee opposed the ideas of ross & rige. if you had been a cherokee in 1820s
which side would you have been on, and why???well they really didn't like that cuz they didnt want to be like the whites...
i didn't finish...
by the 1820's many cherokee had to adopted some f the cultural pataterns
P.4 Karina .A & Lizbeth.D
1>On the cherokee side because they wanted to remain independent and strong.
2>Jon Ross was belived alot in inia tribes and also supported his own;
P4 Ray R & Osbaldo V
(1)I think that the Cherokee oppossed the ideas because they might of thought that those ideas were not the ways of there kind and it must of interfeared with there customs. If i was there i would probably be on the whites because they have more modern stuff and they could of taught me how to read and wright.
(2) I think that he must of felt really strongly because he does not want to leave his heratage behind and wants to carry his customs and traditions to his own children.
Karen C. and Benjamin C. p.4
1)I think that i would be in John Ross side because think he would the best leader.
2)I think that like everyone they felt proud about there heritage and like he educated whites he felt more proud.
p.2 Heidi Quinonez & Tania Pelayo
1. Some people appossed of the Ross and Ridge ideas because some had already adapted to the way of the christian life and ways. I would be on the side of Ross and Ridge because I think that they had a better reason and that the cherokee should keep to their herritage.
2. I think he felt that way because he wanted to enbrace his herritage.
P4 Chantal M.
1. Many Cherokees where opposing the idea because they wanted the white culture in their culture by encouraging english and Major Ridge and John Ross when against the movement by trying to maintain the same traditional Cherokee culture.
2. He felt that the cherokee tribe would not have lasted long without structural strong government.
p3 heidi q & tanya p
The Cherokee might not have wanted to adapt to the Christian ways because some people did but it wasn't working to save the Indian ways. I would have kept my ways because it is important to embrace your own heritage.
I think that Ross was more like the Indians because that was part of his heritage, too.
P4 Crystal C. & Juan C.
1.we think that maybe because the Cherokee had there own ideas and we do not agree with the Cherokees.
2.We think that because he liked them and wanted the best for the people that he is part of.
P4 Marcos C. Ariana C.
1. They didn't want any white men to be interfering with their tribe and also because they didn't want the white people to be taking away their land. I would have taken Ross' and Ridge's side on this idea because they were planning something that would have helped their tribe in the future.
p4 Samantha R. & Jeffrey M.
1. They believed that these accommodtions to white culture would weaken the tribe's hold on the land.
I think i would have sticked with my tribe because i probably would have been afraid of new things.
1. I think it was because they wanted to seperate them from each other thats why they didnt like their ideas. I would have choosen the cherokee side because i dont want to be seperated from my own people
2. I think he felt that way because he was segradrated from his people.
P.4 Nadia M. & Jaime P.
1. I think that the Cherokee opposed it because they wanted their own culture. If we were people from the Cherokee we would go on the Cherokee tribe.
2. I think that he liked the indian's culture because he was intrigued.
P4 Jesus H. and Jonathan G.
1.They oppsed Ross an Ridge becausethey didnt believed the things they say and showed.
2.He felt strong because he know can show his tribe new things without telling white men to show them for things.
p. 4 Cecilia A. and Jazmine G.
1. We think that because they were afraid of witchcraft. fear.
2.We think that because they were adapting to the white culture.
Per. 4 Mribel Diaz Adrian Cuadras
1. They didn' want to get invoved in their ideas, becouse it could be that they where sacard of their ideas. The Cherokee may have thought it was witchcrafts. Also becouse they may have felt that they couldn't trust Major Ridge & John Ross becouseothers have killes their comrades already. So the fear of geting betrade they opposed their ideas But i go to the side of ROSS BECOUSE they have more power so he may help me more. .
2. He was one-eight Cherokee. It was a person part of him. He couldn't just stand , nowing his conrades where getting killed, just to get their land. He couldn't forgive some one so mad, and so gready. He wanted to do something about it, he was proud in how he was.
Period 4
Ashley C.
Luis C.
1.settlers they took their land away without having the consent from the state of georgia. If i were a cherokee in the 1820's i would have been on Ross' and Ridge's side. They made a plan to eduacate them, create a great government for themselves.
2. Yes.
P.4 Eliseo J Hector M
1 They apposed it because they didnt beleive in what the saw and was said.
2. He was strong because know
josephine diaz p.5
1.i think they opposed the ideas because they thought white culture would end traditional practices and would weaken the tribe's hold on land.if i a cherokee i would of agree with the idea of white cuz they had alot of good ideas but i wouldnt let the whites take over our land.
2.i think he felt so strongly about his indian heritage because the idians could build and do alot of things and they had beautiful land that evryone wanted.
Giselle Gutierrez
1.Because many of the people had there own life's and believes and they didn't want turn into white people.why??didnt they because they were there own ways!!!
Miguel R. Brandon A. PER.5
P.5 Sergio G.
1.Because it was basically obliterating the Cherokee heritageand they sought refuge. I would have been on the side to coexist with the whites because if u can't beat them join then and well they had a great style of living except for the slave thing.
P.5 Jorge A. Obeso
1. Why do you think that many of the Cherokee opposed the ideas of Ross and Ridge. If you had been a Cherokee in the 1820s, which side would you have been on, and why?
THey were scared of the white that is why they dressed like them.
2. Why do you think John Ross, who was only one-eighth Cherokee and raised and educated in the white community, might have felt so strongly about his Indian heritage?
because he felt bad
Per.5 Roberto U.
1. They opposed it because they didn't agree with what the white man did.
p5 Rosalina L Denise G
1.We think that the Cherokee opposed because they thought it would better if they develeped everything they have.If we were Cherokee we would take the side of our people.
Per 5 , Valeryy O. & Kimberlyy L .
#1) Cherokee
Selena E. per.5
1.I think that many people disagreed with ross and rutledge because people tought diffently than them
1.I think many of the cherockee opposed the ideas of Ross and Ridge because they were being bossed
P.5 fatima g/kimberly m
1.no i would not just for some white people and to get crops and food and the other stuff.
2.Because he was poor
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