Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

Who had better ideas, the Federalists or the Anti-Federalists? Write a well written paragraph expressing your opinion, and have at least 3 supporting reasons.


Anonymous said...

Anthony inchaurregui
I think that the inti-federalists had more ideas than the federalists.i think that they had more ideas because the army had criminals in it and they could attack the states.Also because we the people needed bill of rights.a+a

Anonymous said...

p2 cynthia garcia ashley figueroa

the anitfederaslit have better ideas because they say that they had a central government with europe and the states didnt wanna have it again .

they would also fight for the people rights and what they thoght was nessacery for the states .

they also consider to have a bill of rights and didnt want to send the constitution without it .

Anonymous said...

The Anti-Federalists had better ideas because, we should be scared of the army because what if they turn against us! What will we do, they'll have the guns, we only have the people. We can't and shouldn't have one central gov't for this big country. The Anti-
Federalists thought the president was going to use his friends to choose the government. The also said that they weren't going to approve without the Bill of Rights.

Anonymous said...

P2MelisaR AdrianS
In my opinion the Federalists had better ideas because they were trying to establish a central government for trade. Also we think that every state should be even and pay our taxes and control our trading network. We should have one president, have Congress make laws, and have a judicial system.

Anonymous said...

P2 Katherine P. & Monica O.
We believe that the Anti-Federalists had better ideas because they were right about the Constitution needing a Bill of Rights, so that people were guaranteed rights and freedom. The Federalists wanted to control all the U.S. with one central government and by doing that they, would eventually take away all peoples' rights. The Anti-Federalists also thought that the Articles of Confederation were good enough to run the country because they had worked for years, so why change them. So in the end, the Anti-Federalists were right to not want the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

P2 Angel M. & Ricky M.

The anti-federalsts has the better ideas. One reason is because they said they need a Bill of Rights so the peolpe can have rights. Also, the said that each state can't be treated the same with tax or anything else. They were afraid of the central government might abuse their power and it made like the British government. Lastly, the government might be unfair of them.

Anonymous said...

P2 Cesar S. & Guadalupe S.
The Anti-Federalists had better ideas when they said that they should tax all of the states the same. Also when they said that the president will over use his power and also that we needed a Bill of Rights.

Anonymous said...

P.2 Tania Corral and Stephany Lira

We believe that the anti-federalists had better ideas regarding the constitution.They believed that the constitution wasn't fair due to not having a Bill Of Rights.They also had better ideas because they thought that the army,at that time,would turn against them.The army were made up of criminals.They also had better ideas because they thought that the president and Congress would rule over them.

Anonymous said...

Luz V. & Emmanuel R.
Period 2
November 3rd,2010(:

In our opinion the Anti-Federalists had better ideas. The reason being is that they made a very valid point when they said that the constitution needed a Bill of Rights. Also, they opposed to having a national army and they had a good reason to oppose to the army. The army was made up of convicts and many other criminals. They were afraid that the army would take away peoples' rights. Last but certinly not least, they made an excellent point when they said that the Federalists believe that a national congress needs taxes, and the power to tax is the power to destroy.

Anonymous said...

P.2 Rafael B.
Eduardo F.

I think the federalists had better ideas than the anti-federalists. I say this because the federalists wanted a more united goverment , and nation wich states and national goverments are equal to each other. I also go with the federalists because they wanted what was best for the nation , i say this because the changes the made were the things the people wanted not what they only wanted. Also the federalists were going to make changes to the new constitution for if the citizens didnt like some of the ideas that it contained.

Anonymous said...

Period 2 Jocelyn A.

The Anti-Federalist had better ideas then the Federalist. The Anti-Federalist wer afraid of the army because it was made up of covicts and criminals.The Anti-Federalist believed that if the one central government was to control everybody there would be no liberty. Also, the government was made p of taxes and the Anti-Federalist believed that taxes were the power to destroy and the new government was full of them.

Anonymous said...

p2. Crystal Chavez and Daniel Garcia

We believe that both had good ideas.Also they had proved there piont n both sides and they did great

Anonymous said...

P:2 Leo C. & Ivan F.
We both think the Anti-federalist had better ideas than the Federalist.1)is the Anti-federalist wanted a Bill of Rights.2)they couldn't treat the big states the same as the little states because it was going to be unfair.3)the states were scared of the army and how much power they were given

Anonymous said...

P.2-Esmerlada g Antonio H
I think that the Ant-Federalists had better ideas
because there was no Bill of Rights, they wanted a government army,and the states were equal. The governmet would have too much power and the Anti-Federalists were scared of oher people having to much power. Ratifying the Constituion there will be one centeral government controlling us, it will undetermine the power of our liberty.

Anonymous said...

P.2-Esmerlada g Antonio H
I think that the Ant-Federalists had better ideas
because there was no Bill of Rights, they wanted a government army,and the states were equal. The governmet would have too much power and the Anti-Federalists were scared of oher people having to much power. Ratifying the Constituion there will be one centeral government controlling us, it will undetermine the power of our liberty.

Anonymous said...

P.2-Esmerlada g Antonio H
I think that the Ant-Federalists had better ideas
because there was no Bill of Rights, they wanted a government army,and the states were equal. The governmet would have too much power and the Anti-Federalists were scared of oher people having to much power. Ratifying the Constituion there will be one centeral government controlling us, it will undetermine the power of our liberty.

Anonymous said...

p2. bianca g.

I believe that the anti-federalist had better ideas. they had the idea of adding a bill of rights to the new constitution. the anti-federalists also suggested that the national army would take away the peoples liberties. lastly the anti-federalist believed in having individual state courts rather then having one supreme court controlloing the nations arguments.

Anonymous said...

P6 Alejandra T and Anthony S.

The Anti-Federalist had the better reasons because we explained both the reasons why it would be successful and why it wouldn't be good. Both Anti-Federalists and federalists did good.

Anonymous said...

P6 Amy Barroso

I think that the federalist had better ideas. They had better ideas because they talked about how they should have power and that the armies should be strong. They supported their response. They also said that Checks and Balances. They said it will protect their right. Thats why I choose Federalist.

Anonymous said...

p6 luis,m i think that the federalists had the better argument because,they new that the articles didnt work and that the people would see that the articles didnt work too. so they made a better constitution that had rights that were equal and fair, and the government actually had power.

Anonymous said...

Faith T.
The Federalists had better ideas. Both groups had ggod ideas but I think that the Federalists had better ones. They gave good reasons. Such as, power being spread out. With check and balances the rights would be protected. The Anti-Federalists thought that an army was goings to take away peoples liberties and the Federaliststhought that states have too much power and an army was needed to protect them. I agree with the Federalists because it is true that an army was needed.

Anonymous said...

Luis L. & Daniel H. PEriod 6.

What me and my partneer think is that The Federalist side was much more explained well. One reason why we liked the Federalist is becuase they had a better argument than the Anti-Federalist. Also what we had to say wasn't really a match to the Federealist. One more thing we like the Federalist.

Anonymous said...

Luis L. & Daniel H. PEriod 6.

What me and my partneer think is that The Federalist side was much more explained well. One reason why we liked the Federalist is becuase they had a better argument than the Anti-Federalist. Also what we had to say wasn't really a match to the Federealist. One more thing we like the Federalist.

Anonymous said...

P6 Jacob.T Emmanuel.V We think that the federalists had better ideas. one reason is

Anonymous said...

I think that the federalists have better ideas because under The Articles of Confederation we have no president,we have no protection,it will increase trade,it is just not right for 13 states to have 13 different ideas, and Checks and Balances will protect us.

Anonymous said...

P.6 Jorge Mora & Ronnie Ortiz

The federalist had better ideas than the anti-federalist. The federalists had many ideas. One idea the federalist had was to make a strong central government where power will be divided equally. Another idea they had was to have a congress whose laws were supreme. Also a national court system that will settle disputes.

Anonymous said...

Gonzalo G. and Karlo M.

The Federalists had better ideas. They wanted to balance power in government with checks and balances. They wanted balance between state governments and the federal government. They wanted a stronger army and other great ideas.

Anonymous said...

p.6 Gabriela M.

I think the federalist had better ideas.

1.because federalist said that we need a stronger tax congrees.that is true because if are congress arent strong enough nobody will pay there taxes and that is not fair.

2.federalist said we need a interstate business.this also has to do with taxes if people cant cross because they dont pay there taxesso they cant cross in to other state and do business.

3.federalist have check and balances.some anti federalist said that we will be like other countrys that have kings.thats not true because we have checks and balances.checks are when each group check each other to make sure that none of them get more powerful.balances are when they make sure all groups are balnced.thats why they call it checks and balances

Anonymous said...

Marlene Garcia & stepahnie fernandez p6
We think that the anit-ferderalists had beter ideas. They wanted an equal government,but at the sametime was paranoid that the central government would have too much power so they believe that the states should have more power. I believe that it"s true that the federalists could be hiding some power behind everybodies backs & have a chance to steal our liberties, which is wrong. So, im on the anit-fedealists side.

Anonymous said...

P6 Graciela M. and Lulu L.
We think that federalists has a better idea because they knew that the Articles of Confederation failed and needed a new one. Another one was that they had 13 powerful states and 1 weak constitution. Lastly, they could ask the states for their opinion [voting].

Anonymous said...

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